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Picture Perfect Ab Workout

Exercises to Get Those Washboard Abs in No Time!

Do you want flat perfect abs?  Want to learn the best exercises to target all parts six pack aabsof the stomach?  If your answer is yes to either question, then look no further. Here are 4 of the best exercises to help you get on your way to developing those 6-pack abs that you have always wanted.

  1. Leg Raises – Leg raises place primary stress on the lower half of the rectus abdominis although the muscle fibers of the upper rectus abdominia are recruited as well. Secondary stress is also placed on the intercostal muscles.Because this movement works the hard to work lower abs you want to do this exercise before crunches. How to do: 1. Lie on your back on an inclined ab board with your head
    toward the raised end. 2. Grasp the end of upper bench with your hands to stabilize your body. 3. Bend your leg 15-20 degrees or until you feel your back relax. 4. Use your abdominal muscles to raise your feet in an arc to a position directly above your head. 5. Drop your feet in a return arc until they clear the bench. 6. Repeat until failure (get 15-25 reps).
  2. Roll up Crunch – Targets: Rectus abdominis (the “six-pack” muscle). 30 percent more effective than the standard crunch because the move challenges your abs through a fuller range of motion, recruiting more muscle fibers. 1. Lie back with legs straight and arms extended above head next to ears. 2. Bring arms forward, tilt chin down, and slowly curl upper body up, reaching hands to toes. 3. Repeat 15- 25 times.
  3. Reverse Crunches – Reverse Crunches are a great exercise for working the lower abs. 1. Lie flat on your back with legs extended. Raise your legs into an L position with your abs. You can flex your knees a bit.2. Lower them to almost floor level and raise again.3. Keep going until failure.
  4. Bicycle Crunch – Targets: Upper Abdominals, Obliques, And Hip Flexors. 1. Lie back with legs straight and arms extended above head next to ears.2. Bring arms forward, tilt chin down, and slowly curl upper body
    up, reaching hands to toes. 3. Repeat to failure.

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About the Author Jeff Behar

Jeff Behar

Jeff Behar, MS, MBA

Jeff Behar, MS, MBA is a recognized health, fitness and nutrition expert, regularly writing about hot topics in the areas of health, fitness, disease prevention, nutrition, anti aging and alternative medicine. His work also often appears in several of the major health and fitness newsletters, health and fitness magazines, and on  major health, and fitness websites.  JeffBehar is also a well sought after personal trainer, motivational speaker, and weight loss expert and CEO of the very popular and websites.

July 13, 2009 Posted by | Fitness, Weight Training | , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment